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What's on

Drop in for games, craft, art and a chat. Sign up for workshops or activities and programs. Join in on collaborative arts initiatives, add your mark at the mall, get involved in groups and projects or just grab your cuppa and come sit for a while. 

You are spoiled for choice! 

We have a dedicated art and craft area that is open to all; safe, stimulating and creative play space where you can spend quality time with your child or simply put them to play while you rest your weary mind and limbs or catch up with friends; games, books, activities. And we are always open to new ideas and exciting additions. This is your PLACE at the CHASE, help us make it home. 

All this is usually FREE*. So don't let living on your last dime keep you away. All the more reason to visit! We are even connected to local food pantries and organisations that can help you out if you're struggling.


* Some workshops and programs have a small fee to cover costs but there is always a nominal concession rate of $5. If you can't manage that, just let one of the friendly volunteers know and we can help you out. 

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Got an Idea? 

If you have an activity or program you would like to offer or propose, please get in touch. We would love to hear more.

Thanks for submitting!
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